Minimum of 2 Shareholder and 2 Director are required for a Pvt. . In the case of company invested in foreign country should be in clear and pure English but also should be translated in Nepali too. #5: Apply for the PAN and TAN of the company. 9289379709 7838392800 . Furthermore, you can find the "Troubleshooting Login Issues" section which can answer your unresolved problems and equip . List of Directors and Nomination of Directors (Resolution) Copy of Registration Certificate given by Charity Commissioner. the Board of Directors of a Private Limited Company are required by law to appoint an Auditor within 30 days of . VenturEasy makes Private Limited Company Registration easy for you. Identity Proof 1) Permanent Account Number (PAN) Card 2) Aadhaar Card / Passport / Driving License / Voter Identity Card B. Documents Required for Pvt Ltd Company Registration in Uttar Pradesh Aadhar Card of the directors PAN Card of directors Driving License or Voter ID Passport size photograph of the directors Copy of Bank Statement (not older than 2 months) Electricity or any other utility bill for office address proof Company Level Documents for the Pvt Ltd Company Registration - #4 Company Business Address Proof like Electricity Bill Copy with the NOC or Rent Agreement or Sale Deed anyone for the more details checkout here about Documents Required for documents required for pvt ltd company Benefits of Private Limited Company Registration For online private limited company registration in India, the company must have a registered office in India. 1. Ltd. to Public Limited Conversion of LLP to Private Company Partnership Firm into Pvt . Object of the Proposed Company; 3. The following documents are required on a case . Proof of Income Certificate of Business Establishment Bank details and Credit scores Bank statement of last six months Rent or Lease agreement (if required) Passport size photograph 6. A private limited company can fulfill the requirement of raising funds from private investors easily; attract less tax and is a separate legal entity with perpetual succession which is restricted to other business types. Documents Required for Pvt Ltd Company Registration. Shakarpur, Delhi, 110092. Its authorized share capital is 5,00,000.00 ( 5.00 Lakhs ) and its paid up capital is 2,90,000.00 ( 2.90 Lakhs ). Partnership Deed that contains name of partners, signature of partners, Company Name . Documents required to be submitted by Partnership Firms/ LLP / Companies - Small Enterprises or Startups for trademark registration. Visit Company Vakil for more Details about SHREE VARDARIA INVESTMENTS PVT LTD Company. The Incorporation process can take [] Pan Card Copy (Mandatory In Case Of Indian Nationals), Passport (Mandatory for Foreign Nationals & Non-Residents India) 3. Step 5: Apply for the PAN and TAN of the company. The requirements for registering a business in Zimbabwe are as follows: Requirements for company registration as a PBC 1 to 5 proposed name s for your Private Business Corporation, these need to be submitted in order of preference. Public Limited Company The business which has a voluntary association of members under company law is called PLC. It is classified as Private UnListed Indian Non-Government Company. If the documents do not match as desired, you shall not be able to incorporate the Company. Ltd.) is a separate legal entity that possesses all the rights to sue or be sued. This is the first step of company registration in Pakistan is choosing the company's name. Consultancy on Registration and Name Availability. Why Company Registration; Simplified structure of Pvt Ltd Company . Firstly apply for approval of company's name while filing an application to ROC. [OPC] only one director is required. Utility bills either mobile or gas or electricity 5. Form-1 for incorporation of a company. No Hidden Fee Guaranteed Satisfaction Expert CA/CS Assistance. 1. . It must be further uploaded online as follows: Form CAC1.1. Register. For Non-resident Indians: - Proof of Identity - PAN Card - Copy of Aadhaar Card, Driving License, Voter ID Card, if any - Current Address proof such as Copy of Driving License, Bank Statement or any utility bill in the country of residence (not older than two months) - Passport size photograph. Ltd. Company Registration: ID Proof (PAN Card) Address Proof 1(Voter ID/Passport/Driving License) . Documents Required for Private Limited Company Registration PAN Card Self attested Copy of PAN of all Directors Identity Proof Self attested Copy of Photo ID proof - Aadhaar, Voter ID Card, DL, Passport (Any One) Address Proof Latest Copy of Bank Statement Or Utility Bill in the Name of Director (Not Older than 2 Months) Passport Size Photo Person includes individual (above 18 years) or Company or any other legal entity whether Indian or foreign. Attendance Register and Salary Register. Such as Aadhaar Card, Passport, Voter ID, and Driving License etc. Documents Required for Pvt. A Minimum of 2 Shareholders . Here's a list of required documents for a Private Limited Company:- Photograph of all the Directors PAN Card of all the Directors ID Proof of all the Directors (Driving License/Passport/Voter ID) Electricity Bill or any other utility bill for the address proof of the Registered Office Documents required for GST for Private Limited Company (Pvt Ltd), Public Company (limited company) and One person company (OPC): - List of Documents of the Company PAN card of the company Registration Certificate of the company Memorandum of Association (MOA) /Articles of Association (AOA) Copy of Bank Statement Following are the mandatory documents to be submitted by the company's Directors and shareholders (Indian nationals) Scanned copies of: 1. Certificate Of Incorporation A (COI) is a legal document relating to the formation of a company or corporation. Private Limited Company Cost. Documents Required for Public Ltd Company Formation Below are the documents require for the public ltd company formation in India these documents comprised of legal forums, company profile documents and other applications need to apply for certifications. PAN 2. SHREE VARDARIA INVESTMENTS PVT LTD Company is incorporated on 25 February 1992, with Registrar of Companies, RoC-Mumbai having CIN - U67120MH1992PTC065590. Business PAN card. Find out the documents required for GST registration for Sole Proprietorship or Individual, Partnership or LLP, Private Limited or Public limited or One Person Company, HUF and Society or Trust or Club. Address Proof 1) Telephone Bill / Mobile Bill Private Limited Company [Pvt Ltd] . it is a license to form a corporation issued by the state government or, in some jurisdictions, by non-governmental entity/corporation. Based on these, the RoC decides on whether to issue your incorporation certificate or not. Self-Attested copy of Identity Proof The entities need to arrange all the documents required for EPF registration before they interfere with the formalities of EPFO registration. GST Registration (Optional) Free. Step 1: Approval of Company Name. The documents required for registering a Private Limited Company include DIN, DSC, PAN Card, address proof, residence proof, Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association. Sole Proprietorship to Pvt. Step 3: Examination of submitted documents by OCR. It is important to devise a unique company name that would set you apart from the rest in the industry. or. Step 2: Apply for the Director Identification Number. Private Limited Company Registration Documents Documents are the most important part of the Registration process. A Private Limited Company (Pvt. Proof of Address Identity Proof of each Director and Shareholder. . Step 4: Issuance of company registration certificate BY OCR. Step 2: Submission of physical copy of documents at OCR. 2 Passport size photograph for every Director 2. Company Name Search. Our expert will guide you stepwise to complete the procedure & documents for online Pvt Ltd Company registration. The next step is to prepare the signed scan copy of your pre-registration documents mentioned in step 3. The entire form can be filled and submitted to the ROC along with the required documents prescribed for company registration online. Get your company registered with the help of Artificial Intelligence and the power of e-Lawyering from CompaniesInn. 3. 6. If the applicant is a partnership firm the names of all the partners is required, but if it is a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) the application for registration of a trademark must be made in the name of the LLP. The Private Ltd Company is one of the most preferred business legal forms by growing Indian start-ups. Documents required for Private Limited Company (Pvt Ltd)/Public Company (limited company)/One person company (OPC): - Company documents PAN card of the company Registration Certificate of the company Memorandum of Association (MOA) /Articles of Association (AOA) Copy of Bank Statement Declaration to comply with the provisions You must follow the restrictions and guidelines. The owner of company registration in Mumbai hold equity share of the company and These shares are easily transferable to others if required in later stage to transfer of Ownership. Documents Required for Private Limited Company Registration Online PAN and Aadhaar Card Both PAN and Aadhaar Card of all Indian Shareholders and Directors Identity Proof Either Voter ID, Passport, or Driving License of the Shareholders and Directors. You fill the forms, gather the required documents, and upload them all into the MCA portal. 2. One Person Company Registration(OPC) (1) Partnership Registration (6) Payroll (2) Private Limited Company (Pvt Ltd) Registration (7) Proprietorship Registration (4) Provident Fund (4) Shop & Establishment (5) Taxation Services (17) Trademark Registration (4) Recent Posts. 2. As per MCA the main line of business is Manufacture Of Textiles. Call Filing Point 72999-72500. . Ltd. Company Conversion of Pvt. The registration process for a private limited company is completely online. The company is required to file eForm 1 first and then the company can file all the other eForms (18, 32, 37 and 39) simultaneously or separately List of Documents Required for PVT LTD & LLP Company Registration in India: Address proof, electricity bill, NOC, 2 Passport size photo, Identity proof, Passport, DL, PAN card, Bank Statement & More. Access Registration,Contact,Director,Financial Statements,Shareholders,Auditor,Legal & KYC Documents of MOHAN ELECTROLINK PVT LTD - U31104MP1987PTC003900/> Search Company by Name Notifications Private Limited Company Registration in India is a mandatory requirement under the Companies Act, 2013. . Module 4: Liquid propellant. What are the documents required for Pvt Ltd company In India Company Registration Procedure in India by Tax Consultants Introduction to Company Incorporation Call Our Experts +91 72999 72500. The following provides the steps for registration of a company: Step 1: Reservation of company name at the OCR. Authorization Letter for obtaining an user I.D. List of documents required for Company Registration Documents to be submitted by Directors & Shareholders IDENTITY PROOFS Copy of PAN Card Copy of Voter ID / Driving License / Passport (Any One) ADDRESS PROOFS Copy of Bank Statement / Mobile Bill / Telephone Bill/ Electricity or Gas Bill (Any One) The GST registration process is a long one that involves business-related documents. Proof of Identity (Any one of the below) - Voter's Identity Card Passport Copy Driving License Copy Section 12(1)-Every company should have registered office within 30 days from [] Company Registration Procedure in India has become a common business concept nowadays. Need to submit MOA / AOA with company registration fees and other documents like members details, owner's details with ID proofs and company aims and objectives in brief and all documents need to be stamp. Other document required for Shop and Establishment License. This public notice should include; Company registration number Answer (1 of 22): To register a Private Limited company in India, the following is the list of documents and information required: For the Company: 1. Private Limited Company is the most popular legal business entity in India. Step 3: Application for the name availability. 2,999/- only. The following are the documents required for Incorporation of Private Limited Company under SPICe process. Documents Required for Pvt. Private Limited Company-Documents required for GST Registration under the GST regime for running a company. Section 3(1)-Private company should have two or more person as a subscriber. Swarit Advisors will help you provide all the relevant information regarding Private Limited Company Registration. Step 04 - Give public notice of incorporation After you've completed the previous steps, it's finally time to notice the public of your company's incorporation. proof such as PAN card, Passport, Driving License, Voter Card, Aadhaar Card is acceptable and for Address proof as Electricity Bill, Telephone Bills and other utility bills. Whether you need an Indian company or one based in a foreign country, Our Tax Professionals will provide you with the services you need including What Are The Documents Required For Pvt Ltd Company. Know the process of Private Limited Company registration with Ebizfiling call on +919643203209 or . 1. Free. Foreign nationals must provide a valid passport. Documents Required for Private Limited Company Registration PAN Card of Directors Identity Card of Directors (Voter id / Passport / Driving License) Address Proof of Directors/Member (Utility Bill/ Bank Statement) Passport Size Photo of Directors (Via Email) Proposed Name of Company Address Proof for Company Registered Office (Utility Bill & NOC) These documents are required for directors and shareholders of the company which will be submitted to the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) portal. Ltd. Company Registration Director Photo Director Pan Card Director Identity Proof DL / Passport / Aadhar Card / Voter card Director Adress Proof Bank Statement / Mobile Bill / Telephone Bill / Electricity Registered office address Proof 1. A private limited company registration process entails a few simple steps for which applicant need only the most basic documents. A PLC has a separate legal existence. Applicable Provisions 1. Additional steps to be taken for registration of a Part IX Company: The Part IX Company is required to file eForm 37 and eForm 39 apart from filing eForm 1, 18 and 32. Documents Required For Pvt Company Registration PAN Card PAN Card of shareholders and Directors. call at 01204231116. Original copy of formal letter issued by ROC regarding availability of Company name. Incorporation of a private limited company is simple but a detailed task to accomplish. A company is a legal entity and a juristic person established under the . The pvt ltd company are manage by company's . It usually takes 15-20 days to register a Private Limited Company through SPICe INC-32 (A single application for Reservation of Name, Incorporation of Company and Allotment of DIN), subject to ROC processing time. Identity and Address Proof of Directors & Shareholders Passport size photographs of the directors Copy of Aadhar Card Copy of Driving License or Voter ID Copy of PAN Card Step 1: Application for Digital Signature Certificate. FULL LIST OF DOCUMENTS - PVT LTD REGISTER PVT LTD COMPANY REGISTER LLP COMPANY FULL LIST OF DOCUMENTS - LLP. 611, Reliable Business Center, Oshiwara, Andheri West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400053 Email: Number: +91 92222 14187 Ltd. Company registration, where director and shareholder can be same. Section 149(1)-Private Company should have minimum 2 directors and maximum 15 directors Proviso of 149(1)(b) a company can appoint more than 15 directors by passing special resolution. Free. Pvt Ltd Company Registration will sometimes glitch and take you a long time to try different solutions. The Certificate of Incorporation will likely be returned after about six weeks from the date of submission. Documents for Registration of Private Limited Company - 1. Documents from Directors and Shareholders A. (0120) 4231116 (+91) 7065 818 801;; . DSC - Digital Signature Certificate. Name of the Proposed Company; 2. It is always advisable to update all the documents required for company registration according to PAN Card. Checklist to register a Pvt Ltd Company Registration. Its provides documented proof that company registration is completed. Certificate of Incorporation, Commencement Certificate under the company act. STEP 5 - Issue . Call Our Registration Experts +91 72999 72500 COMPANY REGISTRATION IN CHENNAI by Tax Consultants Director's Address Proof KYC documents may include a PAN card, Aadhar card, Driving license, or utility bills. Below are five easy steps towards setting up private limited company: Step 1: DSN and DPIN Application: Applicant needs to apply for a Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) and Director's Pin (DPIN), where the DSC is . Two Photographs of each Director and Shareholder. . Online Private Limited Company Registration in India at Rs. There are many types of the constitution of business who can apply for online GST Registration and these are below: Foreign Company Foreign Limited Liability Partnership Government Department Hindu Undivided Family List of Documents Required for . Starting At Rs. Step 4: Filing of the MOA and AOA in case of certain types of companies like a "Private Limited Company. Find out more. PVT LTD Company Registration. For registration, you need to submit different types of documents according to the type of company registration. The Incorporation process of a private limited company as well as the LLP is nearly similar. To prove admittance to the registered office, a recent copy of an electricity bill or the property tax receipt or water bill must be submitted. Documents Required for Company Registration. Requirements for Registration of SMC Private Company: Firstly, you need to decide a name to your company and check its availability. Form-18 for situation or address of the proposed company. So you start with the name you want the most and then list the rest ending with the one you want the very least. LoginAsk is here to help you access Pvt Ltd Company Registration quickly and handle each specific case you encounter. - Adhaar Card/ Election I-Card/ Driving License. Filing of the Forms & Documents; Registration of a Pvt Ltd Company in India is complete an online process.
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